Quienes Somos
About Us
Your target, our objective
We assume the result as a bounden duty
mundoFranquicia is a specialized consulting firm recognized for the professionalism skills, dynamism and rigor in our services performance. As well as for our different working methods and for not leading to propositions based on standardized documents, in commercial interests and in intermediation roles.
This is what makes us different. Factors we have and we propose. Factors that can be applied in the ongoing management for your franchise growth. Factors that can be delivered by a decentralized, professional and forthcoming structure.
Since 2000, we have been trusted by a multitude of franchising companies and entrepreneurs for which we have worked on the opening of their businesses.
Nowadays we are one of the leading franchise consultings in Spain and the one with the highest growth in the last years. Our market position and relations can allow us to contribute to the development of the franchising system in our country for which we use the best consulting practices with continuous innovations, and commercial and educational initiatives that enrich and spread out practices.
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Our added values
Choosing a specialized consulting firm will determine the future of the franchising project and the business expansion. Therefore the election requires a detailed process of gathering and analyzing information of those aspects in which the entrepreneur shows more interest and concern. Our experience in franchising consulting and after having advised thousands of franchising businessmen of different sectors, we can resume in the following questions the critical factors required for the selection of your franchising consulting.

Which structure will they offer me?
mundoFranquicia provides consulting and business expansion, counselling and brokering, internationalization process, marketing and communications, legal services, management systems, upgrading and renovation of premises, training, financing and investments,... We are a team of more than 40 professionals serving your growth in franchising program.

Are they experts in truth?
Our experience of more than 20 years supports us. Our company is a national and international benchmark in franchising consulting. The execution of hundreds of franchising projects of various sectors and the opening of thousands of franchised businesses are undeniable realities. It is a flawless path of contributions to the franchising sector in our country.

Does the company has quality certifications?
Evaluate the availability of quality certifications. The execution of a franchising project has to be methodical, qualified and in accordance with the predefined, organized and controlled processes. mundoFranquicia is a certified company by the UNE-EN-ISO.9001.2015, remaining the only franchise consulting firm in Spain with this quality certification.

How is their methodology?
As part of our certified documentation, we provide exclusive and manualized quality processes in the numerous chapters on the development of the Project. All of these are disaggregated by work instructions and document formats. This internal methodology is included in a System of Operational Instructions (SIO) thoroughly followed by our consultants for the execution of a franchising project.

Will they follow me through the expansion?
mundoFranquicia not only undertakes a good part of the franchise functions in terms of starting and managing the network, but develops an original and exclusive management and global coordination system of the plan. This plan includes the assistance on the opening and the launch of the new business unit. Our work system denotes a high degree of commitment and involvement and it is unique and different from any other proposal in the market.

How will they integrate in my business?
As an external entity integrated in the business management, your consulting firm must guarantee an intervention that can contribute to your goal achievement in terms of expansion and corporate profitability. mundoFranquicia will take action in your business as an external Franchise Department. Our organizational configuration and specialization is defined in such a way we can provide an effective and continuous solution in the multiple commitments your business will have to face up to create and maintain the franchise network.

What resources do they have?
Any company can give good pieces of advice and recommendations, but nowadays is required to trust an integral organization which can put them into practice. This involves not only good counselling, but creating a well-established business network. From the beginning your franchise will have an extended organization of specialized divisions, local offices, international agreements, external supports and diverse and own resources, programs, initiatives and infrastructures highly qualified and oriented for the creation of franchise organizations.

Are their customers satisfied?
When numerous companies have chosen a firm is because their results are recognized. Analyze the level of customer satisfaction of the consulting firm. There is no better cover letter than a portfolio of delighted clients. The consulting firm is precise to undergo continuous valuations and to have suitable and effective processes to deliver this evaluation. Yet, request references to certain clients.

How far can they go?
The franchise project is multidisciplinary thus require suitable solutions to fulfill any need the project may present. Training, geomarketing, management systems, employment services, R+D+I, control programs, quality, communications, continuous improvements… our firm has always characterized by its alliance policies and professional agreements with whom we can strengthen our work possibilities to approach any franchise role.

Which commitments will they assume?
Do not assume a small firm with few clients will provide more time to serve you. Take for granted that you will find a better service right where your expansion targets can be truly delivered. It is necessary it has suitable and adequate infrastructures and it displays a strong commitment with the growth of your company. No matter how good the project is, there is no point if we do not obtain franchisees nor a good implementation of your brand.

Who will undertake my project?
Your project cannot be tackled by interns nor by a unique advisor. Such a work requires the assignment of an integrated team of specialized professionals. Before reaching hasty decisions, demand the firm to assign and present the team that will undertake your project. Request information of their professional profiles, qualification degrees and experience and most important the functions will carry.

How and when will they attend me?
It is not possible to deliver a good franchise project without a fluent and continuous communication with the client Company. It is important that your consulting firm has established fluent lines of communication. Request information about the meeting plans and the communication and document delivering. mundoFranquicia applies and own platform to plan and track Works, meetings and document delivering.

Is it a sufficiently accredited firm?
Our Company not only has such recognition, but was itself the promotor of establishing professional ethic rules within our activity. We also proposed the Spanish Franchise Association AEF the text of the Deontological Code. Its strict observation form all of our teams is one of the principals of our activity.

Will they offer me advantages of outsourcing?
Our extended portfolio makes possible to negotiate advantaged conditions with suppliers and service companies, as well as the organization of events and actions for franchisees acquisition. The fact that our own teams undertake most of the franchise functions avoids our clients to contract own structures.

Are they prepared for my growth wherever I want to?
mundoFranquicia has multiple offices in all the Spanish territory apart from associated offices. The team takes part actively in obtaining new franchisees in the respective regions and zones. This allows us to offer our clients a qualified, targeted and focused structure to expand the brand wherever the business needs.

Do I have in mind the following steps?
By initial forms, personal interviews by senior managers and by arranged visits in the business premises; we can issue an appropriate proposal in scopes and fees. A proposal done without a previous consulting is a standardized result not adjusted to the needs, situation, characteristics and targets of the Company. Mistrust ambiguous and generic proposals and be careful to be seized by excessive economical approaches.

Our team, your solution
The most valuable asset of mundoFranquicia will always be our people, the major actors of our development. We are a team prepared to talk about businesses and to make businesses. A young, dynamic, experienced and prepared team. The best of our company is what we can contribute to yours.

Territorial Delegations
From the begining we have bet on the creation of a branch network able to be close to different geografic regions. This approach allows us to extend our vision and knowledge, enrich our culture, increase our service capacity, speed the team reaction and come close to local businesses, entrepreneurs and government bodies.

Would you like to be part of our team?
We are continuously searching for talents to incorporate in our great team of consultants and managers. If you want to be part of a dynamic work team, send us your CV in the following link.
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